spectrum films, inc
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spectrum films, inc

jeff zueger - spectrum films, inc.
sioux falls, sd, SD 57105
DESCRIPTION: Spectrum Films, Inc. offers South Dakota's only 35mm film camera packages and fully equipped 1 ton grip truck. Also offers Sony Betacam SP packages,audio package, HMI and tungsten lighting, crew services, dollies, jibs, camera support, steadicam. Over 16 years experience in the film & Television industry.
REFERENCE/CREDITS: 2nd Unit DP- Hi Five Entertainment- Glen Campbell Live

DP-Paulsen Marketing Communications- Trinity Hospital

Director-Lawrence & Schiller- Midcontinent Communications

Director-Lawrence & Schiller- Sioux Valley Hospital

OUR COMPANY IS: Crews, Equipped with film,
PRODUCTION JOB: Director of Photography, Film-USA,
TELEPHONE: (605) 335-7714
CELLULAR: (605) 359-4152
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