IVI Productions: Video and Film in Israel
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IVI Productions: Video and Film in Israel

Yoram Dafni2 - IVI Productions
9 Bodenhiemer,
Tel Aviv, (Select State or Province) 62008
DESCRIPTION: Tel Aviv company specializing in Video and TV films since 1980. Multi Screen Shows,

Theme Park Specials, Corporate Image, Multimedia and Documentaries and Camera crews.

REFERENCE/CREDITS: Producer, Israeli shoot of HDTV Biblical Special for Universal Studios- Century III.

Producer/Director, Israeli shoot for IKA NY, Continental Airlines.

OUR COMPANY IS: Production Company-Video-Asia,
PRODUCTION JOB: Producer-other countries,
TELEPHONE: 972-3-6050160
FAX: 972-3-5463520
CELLULAR: 972-50-260547
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