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Tom Leobold - Broad Reach Television
Tampa, FL 33615
DESCRIPTION: Services include: Videography, Audio, Editing, Producing. Crew is well equipped with Sony D600, BVW 35, 8044q, UHF wireless, standard light package including soft boxes. Tom has over 12 years as a videographer, and works extensively with network news magazines, Amy has over 10 years as producer.
REFERENCE: NBC Dateline/Videographer, NBC Nightly News/Videographer, ABC 20/20/Videographer, NFL-CBS Sports/Videographer, Biography(ABC Productions)/Videographer, NBC Newschannel
OUR COMPANY IS: Freelance,
PRODUCTION JOB: Crews, Equipped with video-USA only,
TELEPHONE: 813-884-4892
FAX: 813-889-0144
CELLULAR: 813-760-0447
PAGER: 888-773-8645
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