**New Zealand Betacam crew**
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**New Zealand Betacam crew**

Terry King - Kingmayo Productions
PO Box 6271, Wellesley Street,
New Zealand
DESCRIPTION: Peter Mayo (camerman) and Terry King (sound recordist) have set up together to provide an efficient documentary style crew complete with camera, lighting and vehicle. In 1999 one of our documentaries won best Maori drama and we have collectively won many awards in the past 15 years.
REFERENCE/CREDITS: Wai Ata Productions, Defying The Odds documentary

Nona Films, Rural Dreaming documentary

Top Shelf Productions, Bankruptcy documentary

RSVP Productions, Cancer documentary

Top Shelf Productions, Autism documentary

Wai Ata Productions, The Truth About Maori documentary

The Gibson Group, Backch@t, Arts programme

OUR COMPANY IS: Freelance,Betacam SP Camera Rental,Crews, Equipped with video-other countries,
PRODUCTION JOB: Crews, Equipped with video-other countries,
TELEPHONE: 64 9 849 3944
FAX: 64 9 849 3944
CELLULAR: 64 25 987 999
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