**Camera assist'/ Clapper loader ( at your service! )**
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**Camera assist'/ Clapper loader ( at your service! )**

Simon Boreham -
London, SW9 0LP
United Kingdom
DESCRIPTION: I am a knowledgable camera tech', working with all film/video formatts. Having worked on shorts, features, advert's and promo's, I'm aware of how vital it is to be versatile and efficient. In this spirit, I'm willing to travel according to the needs of the project.
REFERENCE/CREDITS: Sept' 2000 - Present; Freelance Camera operator for The Casting Suite, in central London.

Clapper loader for 'Shooters' a feature film for Coolbeams Productions.

Clapper loader for 'Nice One' an advert by Media trust/ visions Channel 5.

OUR COMPANY IS: Freelance,
PRODUCTION JOB: Camera Assistant-Film,Camera Assistant-Video,Film Loader,
FAX: 020 7793 8608
CELLULAR: 0802 847510
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