ENG Camera/Film Assistant Camera
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ENG Camera/Film Assistant Camera

Shoko Yokoyama -
Santa Monica, CA 90405
DESCRIPTION: Experienced ENG Camera person/videojournalist who is trilingual (English, Japanese and conversational Spanish) with writing, interviewing and editing skills. Operates Betacam camera. Owns a small DVCAM camcorder.

Also first/second camera assistant/loader with both student and professional film shoot experience.

OUR COMPANY IS: Freelance,
PRODUCTION JOB: (Select Crew Job)Assistant Camera-Film,Camera Assistant-Film,Camera Assistant-Video,Camera Operator-Film,Camera Operator-Video-USA,Director of Photography, Video-USA,Film Loader,Focus Puller,Grip, Grip Assistant,Lighting Cameraman,Videographer-USA,
OTHER INFO: I'm looking for a freelance work as well as a full time position.
CELLULAR: 310-968-0340
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