**Camera Operator**
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**Camera Operator**

Sherry Dillard - Shur Shots Productions
Portland, OR 97225
DESCRIPTION: I have worked in the industry for the past five years,primarily as camera operator. Including EFP Productions,industrials and corporate video,nature & wild life. Experienced in all phases of productions from conception to editting.

BETA Pkg available; SSI certified

Steadicam Owner/Operator for the past two years

REFERENCE/CREDITS: Warren Miller Films-Wild Survivor Show-Camera Operator

Freightliner Corporation-Camera Operator;Steadicam Operator

IPS Publishing- Producer/Camera/off-line editor

OUR COMPANY IS: Production Company-Video-USA only,
PRODUCTION JOB: Lighting Cameraman,Steadicam Operator,Underwater Camera,
TELEPHONE: 503-297-9224
PAGER: 503-938-3565
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