Tampa Shooter and Editor
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Tampa Shooter and Editor

Robert Rose - BuzzMedia
4527 Castaway Dr, 3
Tampa, FL 33615
DESCRIPTION: I have a BS in video and film. I am also an experienced AVID certified editor and shooter. I'm also a graphic artist with training in PhotoShop, After F/X, and several 3D animation programs.
REFERENCE/CREDITS: Prod. Ass.-Lifetime Biography- Norman Schwartzkopf (SideStep Prod.)

DP/Editor/Producer- Ybor & More, Ent. show on WB. (SideStep Prod.)

Director/Editor- Checkers Streamin' Strips of Fury (BuzzMedia)


OUR COMPANY IS: Production Company-Video-USA only,
PRODUCTION JOB: Videographer-USA only,
OTHER INFO: I am very interested in getting involved in some entertainment projects. I am well trained in all aspects of production and I'm willing to fill any position.
TELEPHONE: 813.870.2171
FAX: 813.870.2171
CELLULAR: 813.230.6374
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