MissReprezentid Productions
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MissReprezentid Productions

Nicole Hawkins - MissReprezentid Productions
P O Box 617077,
Orlando, FL 32861
DESCRIPTION: Video production in documentary and tv ministry; directed video and theater play; publicity and marketing; management and related services
REFERENCE/CREDITS: Mark Chironna Ministries-Video/Cameraperson Orlando, FL (onsite)

UCF Carib Study Abroad trip-Director of Photography Orlando, FL

OUR COMPANY IS: Production Company-Film-USA,Support Services,Other,
PRODUCTION JOB: Assistant Director,Associate Producers,Camera Assistant-Video,Camera Operator-Video-USA,Director, Film-USA,Director, Video-USA,Field Producer,Producer/Director-Video,Production Assistant,Publicity/Product Placement,Scriptwriters,Unit Production Manager,
FAX: (407) 859-8190
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