2nd Unit DP, operator
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2nd Unit DP, operator

Michael Santy -
824 E. Walnut Ave.,
Burbank , CA 91501
DESCRIPTION: 2nd Unit DP, camera operator. Features, television, commercials, music. Will travel. Drama, comedy. Sports, stunts, cars, boats, planes, helicopters. Lighting. Cranes, dollies, remote heads, gear heads, hand held a speciality.

REFERENCE/CREDITS: Finding Home: Camera operator, 2nd Unit DP.

On Edge: Camera operator, 2nd Unit DP.

EDtv: Camera operator.

Patch Adams: Camera operator.

True Crime: Camera operator.

Sphere: Camera operator.

Flubber: Camera operator.

The Game: Camera operator.

The Rock: Camera operator.

Nash Bridges: Camera operator.

Martial Law: Camera operator.

Meatloaf: Camera operator

OUR COMPANY IS: Freelance,
PRODUCTION JOB: Camera Operator-Film,
OTHER INFO: Society of Operating Cameramen, Secretary, 1998-2000

Society of Operating Cameramen, Board of Governors, 2001

TELEPHONE: 323-654-1925
FAX: 818-567-1554
PAGER: 888-587-7067
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