**BetaCam Operator & Crew**
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**BetaCam Operator & Crew**

MJ Perry - RCNTV
29505 Luxor Road,
Menifee, CA 92584
DESCRIPTION: Eng backround, freelance crew using BetaCam and U-Matic field decks, RCNTV in business for 5 years in S.W. Riverside County, California. RCN-TV had a weekly half hour news program in 1999 on our local cable TV. We supply film clips to major Los Angeles TV Stations and CNN of fires,accidents,and news worthy events. Availiable by appointment or weekends only. Please call 14 days in advance.
OUR COMPANY IS: Production Company-Video-USA only,
PRODUCTION JOB: Producer/Director-Video,
TELEPHONE: 909-672-2958
CELLULAR: 909-615-9790
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