**Art Assistant, Production Assistant, Runner**
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**Art Assistant, Production Assistant, Runner**

Karla Schon - Freelance
Langtry Grove, 39A
Nottingham, ENG NG7 7AX
United Kingdom
DESCRIPTION: 4 yrs admin experience and 2nd year student of Production Design at Nottingham Trent University. We work to a programme brief and create initial designs/working drawings including some CAD work/1:50 scale models of sets/visuals/storyboards/minicam video of model. We also do Period designs and location work.

REFERENCE/CREDITS: a)Art Assistant on
OUR COMPANY IS: Freelance,

PRODUCTION JOB: Art Department,Production Assistant,Runner,

OTHER INFO: Although still a student, due to the nature of my course, we are encouraged to get as much work experience as possible therefore, if a project were to be available during term time, I would be granted leave by my lecturers.

TELEPHONE: 0115 8411348
CELLULAR: 07818 452878
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