EVS/LSM / Tape / Camera
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EVS/LSM / Tape / Camera

John_S Walker -
14343 Markham Glen,
San Antonio, TX 78247
DESCRIPTION: I work as an EVS(LSM) Operator, VT Operation, and Camera Op. My experience ranges from Live Broadcast Sports for ESPN/ABC, NBC, FOX and CBS to corporate/industrial productions for clients such as Microsoft, Dell, and Southwestern Bell.

REFERENCE/CREDITS: ESPN/ABC - College Football, PGA Golf Tour, College Basketball - EVS/VT Operator, Camera Operator

NBC - NBA Basketball - VT Operator, Camera Operator

FOX - NBA Basketball - EVS/VT Operator, Camera Operator

CBS - College Basketball - VT Operator

National Mobile Television - EVS/VT Operator, Camera Operatior

UNION/GUILD: I.A.T.S.E. Local 796
OUR COMPANY IS: Freelance,
PRODUCTION JOB: Camera Operator-Video-USA,
TELEPHONE: 210-490-7552
FAX: 210-495-0679
CELLULAR: 210-771-0655
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