River Lights Pictures, Inc. - An Independent Motion Picture Production Company in New York City
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River Lights Pictures, Inc. - An Independent Motion Picture Production Company in New York City

Johanna Heer - River Lights Pictures, Inc.
New York, NY 10012
DESCRIPTION: Johanna Heer is a cinematographer and director, whose work has been exhibited to critical acclaim around the world. She is one of the first women cinematographers recognized by American Cinematographer Magazine, which in 1986 devoted

a feature article to her innovative work as a director of photography. Through her collaborations with European and American directors she had developed a unique cinematographic color language which employs expressionistic lighting and camera movements to enhance the content of the film.

REFERENCE/CREDITS: Credits as Director of Photography (including):

1999 A VILLAGE WITHIN THE CITY, BetacamSP, documentary, TV (also Director)

1995 THE ART OF REMEMBRANCE, 16mm, feature length documentary (also Director/Producer)

1991 THE OTHER EYE, 16mm, feature length documentary (also Director/Producer)

1984 SUGARBABY (Dir.: Percy Adlon) 35mm, feature, 85 min. W-Germany

1983 DECODER (Dir.: Muscha) 35mm, feature, 86 min. W-Germany

1982 DOG'S NIGHT SONG (Dir.: Gabor Body) 35mm, feature, 150 min. Hungary

1979-81 SUBWAY RIDERS (Dir.: Amos Poe) 16mm, feature, 120 min. USA

(also Producer and Co-Editor)

1978 ECSTATIC STIGMATIC (Dir.: Gordon Stevenson) 16mm, feature, 65 min. USA

OUR COMPANY IS: Freelance,Crews, Equipped with film,Production Services (company),
PRODUCTION JOB: Cinematographer, Film-USA only,Cinematographer, Film-Europe only,Cinematographer, Film-other countries,Crews, Equipped with film,Crews, Equipped with video-USA only,Crews, Equipped with video-Europe only,Crews, Equipped with video-other countries,Director, Film-USA only,Director of Photography, Film-USA,Director of Photography, Film-Europe,
OTHER INFO: Language: English, German, French
TELEPHONE: 212-656 1126
  • Johanna Heer, Director of Photography
  • River Lights Pictures, Inc.
  • CineCityFilm
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