2 Hungry Dogs Productions
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2 Hungry Dogs Productions

Joel Freedman - 2 Hungry Dogs Productions
St. Petersburg, FL 33703
DESCRIPTION: Full service Videographer with over 15 years experience in all types of production. Equipped with Beta SP gear and all the extras to make your shoot the best it can be. Call 727-527-2901 so we can discuss your needs.
REFERENCE/CREDITS: DSF/Sat One, ESPN, Fox News, HSN, Speedvision, and many more
OUR COMPANY IS: Freelance,Betacam SP Camera Rental,Crews, Equipped with video-USA,Freelance,Production Company-Video-USA,
PRODUCTION JOB: Camera Operator-Video-USA,Crews, Equipped with video-USA,Director, Video-USA,Director of Photography, Video-USA,Grip, Grip Assistant,Lighting Cameraman,Lighting Director/Design,Producer/Director-Video,Production Manager,Production Manager-Unit,Unit Production Manager,Videographer-USA,VT Operator,
TELEPHONE: 727-527-2901
CELLULAR: 727-641-7786
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