ENG and EFP sound recordist
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ENG and EFP sound recordist

Jeremy_ Minton - Freelance
510 W 110th St , 8E
New York , NY 10025
DESCRIPTION: I provide high quality sound and reasonably priced recording services for your ENG and EFP project. I happily provide grip assistance to the videographer, support to the field producer and will go out of my way to see that the production is a success.

REFERENCE/CREDITS: Discovery Documenatry,Filmgarden Entertainment, Sound recordist.

Telemed VNR, Corporate communications, sound recordist,

OUR COMPANY IS: Freelance,

PRODUCTION JOB: Audio Mixer/Technician-Location,Sound-Boom Operators,Sound-Mixer/Technician,

TELEPHONE: 212-866-5995
FAX: 208-545-7179
CELLULAR: 785-550-7291
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