Halle R. Amick -- freelance assistant camera
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Halle R. Amick -- freelance assistant camera

Halle Amick -
Rochester, NY 14607
DESCRIPTION: Experienced AC/2nd AC/Loader willing to travel. Have worked with 16/S16mm, 35/S35mm and 65mm camera systems. Enthusiastic and able, I'm looking forward to helping you achieve your creative goals!
REFERENCE/CREDITS: EASTMAN KODAK --(Loader, 2nd AC, 1st AC, Camera Operator) numerous projects on 16mm, super 16mm, 35mm and 65mm. Projects include product launch reels, research and development test films, and lab negative films

LUNCH – (Eggwork Productions/Matthew Ehlers) – 35mm short -- 1st AC/Camera Operator

CAROL’S RENDEZVOUS (D’Last Studios Corp.) – Super 16mm short -- Loader

JACK SANGUINE (Picklewood Studios) – 16mm short -- 1st AC/Camera Operator

BUFFALO NIAGARA ENTERPRISE/ERIC MOWER & ASSOCIATES (Planet Productions) – National commercial (CNN, MSNBC) 2nd Unit 1st AC & 1st Unit Loader

STARS ON ICE – Super 16mm promotional spot -- Loader

NIAGARA MOHAWK/ERIC MOWER & ASSOCIATES (Souter Film) – Commerical -- 35mm -- Loader

FRONTIER/INFANTINO ASSOCIATES (Przyborski Productions) – 3 commercials – 35mm -- Loader/2nd AC

“HOMEGROWN” -- WEGMANS/JAY, INC. – Commercial – 35mm -- Loader

Please contact for further credentials and references!

PRODUCTION JOB: Assistant Camera-Film,Camera Assistant-Film,Camera Operator-Film,Film Loader,Focus Puller,
TELEPHONE: (716)473-4644
FAX: (716)424-7967
CELLULAR: (716)820-7955
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