PA, Boom-Op, Grip, Stagehand
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PA, Boom-Op, Grip, Stagehand

Dominic Ondryas -
23931 Wanigan Way,
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
DESCRIPTION: I'm a NYU film student looking for work on shows from now until September. I have prior experience as a Boom-Op and PA on several features. I have worked as an AD on many advanced student films. I have good stamina, high enthusiasm, and production smarts. I will put my whole heart into the show.
REFERENCE: Boom-Op - [Unspeakable, On the Turning Away, The Shadowwatcher]

PA - [Two Women Named Nina, Elvis Fu]

Film/Video Technician and Restorer - [Vidipax Co.]

Office Intern - [Hybrid Films]

OUR COMPANY IS: Freelancer
PRODUCTION JOB: Boom-Op, PA, Grip, 2nd AC, Security, and Various Assistant Positions.
TELEPHONE: 949 493-6904
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