David A. Schwartz/Steadicam Operator
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David A. Schwartz/Steadicam Operator

David Schwartz -
45 Estaugh Ave.,
Haddonfield, NJ 08033-2505
DESCRIPTION: DP/Steadicam owner-operator with 15+ years experience in features, commercials, music videos, live broadcast, and corporate. Master Series Steadicam with wireless follow-focus, 8mm deck and wireless video transmitter. Experienced, creative, friendly.
REFERENCE/CREDITS: Company: Holiday Films, Los Angeles, CA/ Job: Steadicam/ Title: Rob Zombie music video

Company: Clear Star Pictures, Los Angeles, CA/ Job: Steadicam/ Title:

UNION/GUILD: Iatse 600
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TELEPHONE: 856-216-0694
FAX: 856-216-0695
CELLULAR: 856-261-2314
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