PPI Camera Corp
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PPI Camera Corp

Curtis Petersen - PPI Camera Corp.
122 Powell St.,
Vancouver, BC V6A 1G1
DESCRIPTION: PPI Camera Corp maintains an extensive stock of Arriflex cameras, lenses and accessories as well as sound lighting, grip gear and production vehicles for rental. We have offices in Vancouver, Toronto, Los Angeles and Ireland.
REFERENCE/CREDITS: Wishmaster IV: GFT Entertainment, Wishmaster III: GFT Entertainment, Kevin of the North: GFT Entertainment, Going Back: GFT Entertainment, Sometimes a Hero: Film One Productions, G.O.D.: Film One Productions, Road Rage: GFT Entertainment, Hustle: Gemini, The Proposal: Curb Entertainment, 2001 A Space Travesty: Helcon, My Nine Wives: GFT Entertainment, Cord: Trimark, Tiger Claws III: Film One Productions - This listing includes only productions in the past year. A Complete listing is available upon request.
OUR COMPANY IS: Camera Rental,Equipment Rental, Film or Video,Lighting Rental,
TELEPHONE: 800-665-6920
FAX: 604-662-8013
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