**Production Crew Listing**
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**Production Crew Listing**

Claudia Doura - Galaxy Producciones S.R.L.
Buenos Aires, 1014
DESCRIPTION: Production services for shoots in Argentina: film , video. specializing in documentaries and corporate image work.

Casting, location, scouting, filming permits, entry/exit through customs, coordination of housing and transportation, crew and hire of equipment for film/video.

languages: spanish, englisn, french, italian & portuguese.

REFERENCE/CREDITS: The Tango Lesson /Feature Film -

Director : Sally Potter 1996

coproduction: Adventure Pictures/UK - OKCK/ Argentina

Production coordinator

Production: The Life of Birds/Argentina shoot

Host: Sir Richard Attenborough/

Production Company: BBC-UK

Production services

MCI Telecom : corporate image / Argentina shoot

Production Company: Brainstorm Creative INC

Production Services

OUR COMPANY IS: Freelance,Business Television,Production Services (company),
PRODUCTION JOB: International Production Crew,Location Scout/Finder,Production Coordinator,Production Manager,
FAX: 541148117553
CELLULAR: 54111544472284
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