**Video/Film and Interactive Production**
SHOOTS.com - The International Production Crew Resource

**Video/Film and Interactive Production**

Cheryl Yiatras - Kiwi Dreams
Las Vegas, NV 89121
DESCRIPTION: Produce/direct; project management; crewing; budgeting; scriptwriting, proposals/treatments for broadcast television, film, corporate/industrial video and interactive media; field produce packages/story segments for national/international cable television; longform and shortform interviews; directing camera crews in the field and studio; developing stories and content for acquisition by networks.
REFERENCE/CREDITS: Producer/Director/Writer -
OUR COMPANY IS: Graphics, Animation Company,Multimedia CD-ROM Production,Production Company-Video-USA only,
PRODUCTION JOB: Audio Mixer/Technician-Location,Director, Video-other countries,Field Producer,Graphics-Animation Artist,Line Producer,Producer-other countries,Producer/Director-Video,Script Supervisor,Sound-Boom Operators,Teleprompter Operator,Teleprompter Rental,Video Assist/24 Frame Playback,
TELEPHONE: 702-362-9457
FAX: 702-362-3608
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