Special Effects*
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Special Effects*

Anthony Noe - Windy City F/X
Chicago, IL 60647
DESCRIPTION: Windy city f/x is a company that has over 20 yrs experience in mechanical spfx including atmospher,firearms,props/weapons,breakaways,smoke/fog machines,explosions/bullet hits,wind/steam machines,stunts,special effects makeup,set construction/destruction.The company also can produce spfx in diffrent formats other than film,we work with stunt people to produce more action scenes without the danger. We can work any type of budget feel free to call our company we can do the work no matter what the size of the budget.
REFERENCE/CREDITS: Two fathers justice (CBS movie of the week)SPFX Tech. Shane Prod. Love and Action in Chicago (L&A Prods.Inc)SPFX Tech .
OUR COMPANY IS: Production Services (company),
PRODUCTION JOB: Special Effects,
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