Korolevskaya Gora Productions /Kaliningrad, Russia/. Postproduction service, 2d 3d animation, effects
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Korolevskaya Gora Productions /Kaliningrad, Russia/. Postproduction service, 2d 3d animation, effects

Andrey Koudlay - Korolevskaya Gora Productions
Kashtanovaya alleya, 1A,
Kaliningrad, 236017
DESCRIPTION: Russian freelance professional film / Video / TV production studio: post-production, computer graphics and 2D/3D animation, compositing, cartoons, special visual effects, broadcast non-linear editing; Full service in TV commercial productions.
REFERENCE/CREDITS: IHRDC corporation (USA, Boston)
OUR COMPANY IS: Graphics, Animation Company,Post Production Facility,Production Services (company),
PRODUCTION JOB: Director, Video-other countries,Editor-Film,Editor-Video,Graphics-Animation Artist,Make-up Artist-Special F/X,Special Effects,
TELEPHONE: (007) (0112) 212613
FAX: (007) (0112) 218897
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