**Production Crew Listing**
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**Production Crew Listing**

Albert Ramirez_Ortin - Freelance
Alexandre Torrelles,13, 5ª 2ª
DESCRIPTION: Your local cameraman when shooting in Spain. Confident,experienced and professional. Fluent English,working in corporates,TV programs, documentaries using Beta SP and Digital Betacam. Lots of contacts within the Industry,I can help you finding out the best rates and equipment.
REFERENCE/CREDITS: TV: Channel Four(UK),MTV(UK),Focus TV(Germany),Creative Media,ORF( Austria)

Corporates: Novartis,Cluster,Unilever foods.

Documentaries: Spanish pop musicians,Thalassa

OUR COMPANY IS: Freelance,
PRODUCTION JOB: Camera Operator-Video-Europe only,
FAX: 93 2844650
CELLULAR: 00-34-629286420
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